Llistar Títols per Autor "Gallardo Giralt, David"
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Format | Data | Títol | Autor |
21 juny 2021 |
Algoritme diagnòstic en el laboratori. Impacte dels nous índex hematimètrics |
Marull Arnall, Anna
Antígens menors d’histocompatibilitat en el trasplantament al·logènic de progenitors hematopoètics. Modulació de la resposta en funció del genotip CTLA-4 |
Bosch Vizcaya, Anna
novembre 2023 |
Benefits of exercise training in bronchiectasis: a randomized controlled trial design |
Palau Corbacho, Ariadna
16 desembre 2022 |
Caracterización de polimorfismos genéticos implicados con el metabolismo de la citarabina y asociación con la respuesta y toxicidad a la quimioterapia en pacientes con leucemia mieloide aguda de riesgo intermedio |
Díaz Santa, Johana Alejandra
novembre 2024 |
Correlation between ageing-related morphological and functional cardiac changes, the degree of cerebral atrophy, and the appearance of white matter hyperintensities: magnetic resonance imaging study within a population-based cohort |
Tarrús Escalada, Francesc
novembre 2023 |
A cross-sectional study comparing osteoporosis in two populations of children with and without JIA: a cross-sectional study with a control group. |
Zalpyte, Camila
25 novembre 2022 |
Estudio del impacto de UGT2B17 y PD-1 en el trasplante alogénico de progenitores hematopoyéticos a partir de donante emparentado HLA idéntico |
Santos Carvajal, Nazly
gener 2017 |
Genetic predisposition of acute graft-versus-host disease after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation from an HLA-identical sibling donor: a retrospective and multicenter cohort study |
Oliveras Font, Berta
Genetic predisposition of acute graft-versus-host disease after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation from an HLA-identical sibling donor: a retrospective and multicenter cohort study |
Oliveras Font, Berta
gener 2023 |
Genotype of immune response inhibitory molecules as predictors of clinical outcome after CAR T-cell therapy: a prospective-multicenter cohort study |
Illán Cortadelles, Cristina
novembre 2023 |
Hospital use of viscoelastic testing for guided management of massive haemorrhage: a unicenter quasi-experimental study |
Urretabizkaia Berasategi, Oihana
2012 |
Incidence and survival of chronic myelomonocytic leukemia in Girona (Spain): a populationbased study, 1993-2007 |
Osca-Gelis, Gemma
; Puig-Vives, Montserrat
; Sáez Zafra, Marc
; Gallardo Giralt, David
; Solé, Francesc
; Marcos-Gragera, Rafael
novembre 2020 |
LAG-3 genotype in haematopoietic stem cell transplant from HLA identical sibling donor |
Guilarte Cadavide, Claudia
12 abril 2024 |
Polimorfismos de los genes moduladores de la respuesta inmune como predictores de recaída en los pacientes con mieloma múltiple |
Gonzalez Montes, Yolanda
agost 2013 |
Population-based incidence of myeloid malignancies: fifteen years of epidemiological data in the province of Girona, Spain |
Osca-Gelis, Gemma
; Puig-Vives, Montserrat
; Sáez Zafra, Marc
; Gallardo Giralt, David
; Lloveras, Natàlia
; Marcos-Gragera, Rafael
novembre 2022 |
Potential impact of the FilmArray Multiplex PCR as compared to standard of care testing on antimicrobial therapy guidance and clinical outcomes for ventilator-associated pneumonia in critically ill patients: a two-phased, single centre study: cross-sectional retrospective observational study using collected data from the ICU and prospective, open-labelled, randomised controlled clinical trial |
Jurado Ramal, Mireia
novembre 2023 |
Surgical resolution of topographically diagnosed PHPT by 18F-choline PET/CT versus Tc99m sestaMIBI SPECT/TC: multicenter, randomized clinical trial |
Blokhina, Inna
novembre 2023 |
Validation of the MRI prostate imaging for recurrence reporting assessment score - PI - RR |
Aknaf, Kaouthar